Dr. Ishak Hasan, M.Si


Greeting From Rector

Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Alhamdulillah, this year the Teuku Umar University (UTU) will once again organize a prestigious event known as the UTU Awards. Since its inception in 2015, the UTU Awards has become a highly anticipated intercollegiate competition. The primary goal of this competition is to foster the entrepreneurial spirit among students and enhance their creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving skills. In this era of rapid technological advancements and changing times, we believe it is crucial for students to possess adequate skills and experiences to face the challenges of life after graduation.

Currently, UTU has a clear vision: “To become a source of inspiration and reference in the development of science, technology, and business in the agro and marine-based industry sector at the regional (2025), national (2040), and international (2060) levels through innovative, creative, and highly competitive research.” The UTU Awards is also part of UTU’s efforts to realize this vision, particularly in the field of student affairs. We are committed to promoting the advancement of knowledge and civilization through the provision of quality and competitive higher education.

The 9th UTU Awards 2023 will be open to undergraduate (S1), diploma IV (D4), and diploma III (D3) students from domestic and international universities. The competition categories include: (1) Entrepreneurship Research, (2) Business Planning, (3) Innovative Products based on Agro and Marine Industries, and (4) Online Store Design. Each submitted work in every category is expected to be relevant to UTU’s main focus, which is the agricultural and marine-based industries. We are pleased to witness an increasing number of UTU Awards applicants each year, with diverse creative ideas and proposal quality. To ensure fairness and justice, each proposal will be evaluated by a Jury Board selected based on their expertise, reputation, and experience in the competition field, and they will represent various renowned campuses.

In conclusion, we would like to express our gratitude to the Directorate General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Culture, for their continuous support of the UTU Awards in various aspects. We also extend our thanks to all supervising lecturers from various universities who have contributed to the success of students in this prestigious event. Last but not least, our heartfelt appreciation goes to all the committee members involved in organizing the 9th UTU Awards 2023.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.


Click here!


The Categories Competition include:

Entrepreneurial Research

Innovative Products on Agro-and Marine Industry

Business Plan

Online Shop Design

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